Law News and Articles

A Man’s Home is his Castle…

Or so the saying goes. True perhaps, but one of the problems with modern day castles is they may not have secure parapets and their locations can be known to all. Through the introduction and initial reading of the Companies (Address Information) Amendment Bill, Parliament is looking at allowing company

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Upcoming changes to Property Tax and Tenancy laws

Alongside the changes to employment law, the National-ACT-NZ First coalition is bringing in major changes to the property sector. Among the most significant and those likely to affect many of our clients are: TENANCY AND RENTAL MARKET ADJUSTMENTS DEDUCTIBILITY OF MORTGAGE INTEREST FOR LANDLORDS From 1 April 2024, landlords may

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Probationary and Trial Periods: What’s the difference?

In our last Newsletter we covered the imminent changes to employment law flagged by the incoming Government. One of the most significant of these was the extension of the 90 trial period to all businesses, not just those with fewer than 20 employees. It will be interesting to see if

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